Open Access

      Dispenses unlimited access to journals and publications, along with unique platform for numerous scholarly brains to return together for development of science and technology. Open Access helps in accelerating the footsteps of scientific discoveries, encourages transformation, improves education and triggers the economy to enhance the knowledge of the scientific community. Disparate, conventional publishing which needs vast investments by students, researchers who desires to get their work noticed, Open Access provides a simple publication of work and easy access of information through online. With the help of Open Access, NorCal allows readers to approach scientific publications online and gratuitous.

      The vital role of Open Access is the long-term safeguarding of peer-reviewed scholarly articles and research. Open Access is not only limited for journal articles but also being implemented to scholarly monographs, theses and book chapters. Endorsement of Open Access is very crucial to encourage innovation, socio-economic development, and flow of knowledge around the world. As such, Open Access can be defined as a tool used for public interest to stimulate the growth of global science, as well as maintain the quality of scientific achievements.

      NorCal is one such publishing group that trusts in this motion and is most passionate towards the success and progress of scientific community. NorCal boost upon the principles of Open Access and is committed to furnish free and absolute access of research articles to scientists all around the globe for the advancement of science and technology.