Editor In Chief

    • Giuseppe Alessandro Scardina

      Department of Stomatological Sciences
      University of Palermo

      Giuseppe Alessandro Scardina is professor at University of Palermo (Italy) School of Medicine, Department of Surgical Oncological and Stomatological Disciplines. He is the director of the Master in Orthodontics-University of Palermo.

      He attended the Liceo Scientifico "G. D'Alessandro" of Bagheria (Palermo), achieving the diploma on 1990, with full marks. On 1990 he began the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in Palermo, Degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis and followed the courses sustaining every year the prescribed examinations. On 1995 he achieved the Degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis with 110/110 cum laude, discussing a thesis about "The role of the vitamin A in the dysplastic lesions of the oral mucosa", and obtaining a special mention. He achieved the qualification to the professional exercise on the 1995 with the mark of 60/60. On 1995 he began also his carrier as an Internal Dentist in the Department of Stomatological Sciences in the University of Palermo, attending the Pedodontic and Odontostomatological Clinical departments, and contributing to the preparation and the carrying out of the Courses of Pedodoncy and Odontostomatology. On 1995 he began also his carrier as an Internal Dentist in the Department of Stomatological Sciences in the University of Palermo, attending the Pedodontic and Odontostomatological Clinical departments, and contributing to the preparation and the carrying out of the Courses of Pedodoncy and Odontostomatology. From 1998 up to today, he is in charge as a tutor for the demands of the Professorship in Odontostomatology with deliberation of the Counsel of Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis Course. From 2002 up to today he is in charge as a tutor with subsidiary didactics on the interdisciplinary theme "Parodontology and oral medicine" for the students of the course in Dental Hygiene. He is PhD in Periodontology. He's resulted winner of a competition for the assignment of a searching check announced by the University of Palermo for the following research: "Evaluation of the vascular pattern in patients affected by oral lichen planus”. He’s Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical, Oncological and Stomatological DisciplinesStomatological Science at the University of Study of Palermo. In 2000, he was a component of a research project financed with funds ex quota 60% M.I.U.R. from the title: "Frequency of appearance of red lesions in the oral mucosa in patients to neoplastic risk”. From 2001 to 2004, he was a member of a research project financed with funds ex quota 60% M.I.U.R. from the title:" Capillaroscopic investigation of the oral mucosa in patients with connectivopathies”. At the moment he is responsible of a project for young researchers (funds of Athenaeum ex quota 40%-e.f. Year 2000) from the title: "Capillaroscopy of oral mucosa: debugging and application of a new methodise". From 1996 up to today he make firstly clinical and scientific activities in the Desk of Pedodoncy and in Odontostomatological Clinical later, integrating didactic activities, clinics and research. From 1996 up to today he make firstly clinical and scientific activities in the Desk of Pedodoncy and in Odontostomatological Clinical later, integrating didactic activities, clinics and research.