Editor In Chief

    • Qinghua Wang

      Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism
      Huashan Hospital
      Fudan University

      Professor Qinghua Wang graduated from Shanghai Second Medical University (China), obtained his PhD degree from Antwerp University (Belgium), and received postdoctoral training, became faculty member at University of Toronto (Canada) in 2000, thereafter and promoted to full member at Faculty of Medicine and Institute of Medical Science and Banting and best Diabetes Research Centre in 2008. As a staff Scientist at St. Michael’s Hospital, his research focus on diabetes translational medicine aiming to develop new therapies for the treatment of diabetes. Since moving back to Shanghai in 2014 as Distinguished Professor at Fudan University and Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Huashan Hospital he has continued to focus on islet physiology and how defects in islet cells lead to the development of diabetes.