Journal of Chemistry and Allied Research



Journal of Chemistry and Allied Research is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that is aimed to publish original research articles as well as review articles on all the sub-divisions of chemistry.

We have made our publication open access in order to ensure the free availability of the data for the young scholars of the under developed, developed and developing countries. Authors of articles published in Journal of Chemistry and Allied Research, retain their copyright on the articles and are free to reproduce and disseminate their work

Aims and Scope

NorCal Journal of Chemistry and Allied Research accepts and publishes papers on all aspects of fundamental and applied chemistry. The journal is broad in scope and welcomes submissions from a range of disciplines and sub – disciplines like Pharmaceutical, Biological activities of Synthetic Drugs, Environmental Chemistry, Biochemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, and Agricultural Chemistry, etc. The journal reports both theoretical and experimental studies.

The journal encourages submissions from outside and in between the traditional subject areas and interdisciplinary articles, with an emphasis on chemistry. The journal also considers manuscripts from chemistry inter-related branches like agricultural chemistry, food industry, bio chemistry, etc.

In addition to original research, our journal also publishes review articles, mini-reviews, case reports, editorials, etc. which aid to the development and new innovations of the chemical fields.

Subject areas include but are by no means limited to:

Analytical Chemistry Sequencing Methods
Applied Chemistry Fullerene chemistry
Chemical Kinetics Chemical reaction engineering 
General Chemistry Immunochemistry
High-throughput Methods in Chemistry Marine chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry Mechanochemistry
Medicinal Chemistry Nanochemistry
Molecular Spectroscopy Photochemistry
Nanoscale Materials Phytochemistry
Organic Synthesis and Structure Radiochemistry
Physical Chemistry Agrochemistry
Polymer Chemistry Astrochemistry
Quantum Mechanics Electrochemistry
Supramolecular Chemistry Environmental chemistry
Wave Mechanics and Spectroscopy Green chemistry


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