Journal of Dermatologic Surgery, Research and Therapy
(ISSN 2690-5639)

Impact Factor: 0.95*


Journal of Dermatologic Surgery, Research and Therapy is an international, peer reviewed, open access, scientific and scholarly journal that publishes manuscripts like research, review, mini reviews, case reports and studies, short communications, letters, editorials, etc. which covers all the aspects of Dermatology. We promise researchers, academicians, surgeons, healthcare professionals to provide a forum to publish their latest research results online.


Aim and Scope

Journal of Dermatologic Surgery, Research and Therapy is an online platform for all the researchers, clinicians, academicians, etc., providing double peer reviewed information, research work, case studies from the fields of skin diseases, skin infections and their treatment strategies, dermatological surgery, cosmetology, plastic surgery, etc. Manuscripts received under goes attentive peer review process before publication. Our journal strongly supports the developments in the scientific community, and enhances access to high quality research work available online in our journal home page.

NorCal Open Access Publications strategy is to provide 24/7 access to the scientific data freely for all our readers across the planet and will guarantee scientific community high data availability in most updated digital formats.

Our Journal publishes manuscripts including but not limited to following topics:

Cosmetic Dermatology Pigmentation
Advance Techniques in Dermatology Skin Disorders
Anti-Aging Agents Trends in Trichology
Clinical Dermatology Hair
Dermatopathology Hair Transplantation Studies
Pediatric Dermatology Hair loss Treatments
Etymology Red Itchy Skin
Cellulitis Pimple Treatments
Skin Research and Technology Psoriasis Causes & Treatments
Plastic Surgery Genetic skin Diseases


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