Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and Digestive Disorders



Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and Digestive Disorders is an international, peer reviewed, open access, scientific and scholarly journal that publishes manuscripts like research, review, mini reviews, case reports and studies, short communications, letter to editors, perspectives, editorials, etc., from all the fields related to digestive system and its disorders. We promise researchers, academicians, healthcare professionals to provide a forum to publish their latest research results online.


Aims and Scope

Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and Digestive Disorders’ is an online platform for all the researchers, clinicians, academicians, etc., providing double peer reviewed information, research work, case studies, etc., from the fields of digestive system and related disorders. Our journal will be a huge platform for all the researchers, scholars and all the readers where they can document/provide/publish their own research work from the world of digestive system and related diseases. All the manuscripts received under goes attentive peer review process before publication. It acts as a promoter on behalf of all the researchers, academicians, scientists, etc., to promote their high-quality research work online for all the readers to access across the planet.

NorCal Open Access Publications strategy is to provide 24/7 access to the scientific data freely for all our readers across the planet and will guarantee scientific community high data availability in most updated digital formats.

Our Journal publishes manuscripts including but not limited to following topics:

Anatomy of Liver Hepato-Biliary Diseases
Anorexia Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Antiviral Medication Hepatomegaly
Barrett’s Oesophagus Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Celiac Disease Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Colorectal and GI Oncology Liver Biopsy
Diagnostic Capsule Colonoscopy Liver Cirrhosis
Diarrhoea Liver Regeneration
Disorders of Gallbladder Medical Gastroenterology
Endocrine Disorders Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease ( NAFLD)
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Organogenesis
Endoscopy Paediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Enterohepatic Circulation Paediatric Nutrition
Extrahepatic Complications Pancreatic Diseases
Gastric and Peptic Ulcer Disease Pancreatitis
Gastrointestinal Bleeding Physiology of Liver
Gastrointestinal Diseases Serology Tests of Liver
Hepatectomy Surgical Gastroenterology
Hepatic Fibrosis Transplant Hepatology
Hepatitis Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease


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