Journal of Biomedical Instrumentation and Applications



Journal of Biomedical Instrumentation and Applications is an international, peer reviewed, open access, scientific and scholarly journal that publishes manuscripts like research, review, mini reviews, case studies, short communications, letter to editors, editorials, perspectives, commentaries, etc., from all the aspects of Biomedical Science, Biomedical Engineering and Technology. We promise researchers, academicians, healthcare professionals and engineers to provide a forum to publish their latest research results, case studies and innovations online.


Aims and Scope

Journal of Biomedical Instrumentation and Applications is an online platform for all the researchers, clinicians, academicians, engineers, biomedical professionals, etc., providing double peer reviewed information, research work, case studies, etc. from various fields of biomedical sciences and technology. Manuscripts received under goes attentive peer review process before publication. Our journal strongly supports the developments in the scientific community, and enhances access to high quality research work available online in our journal home page.

NorCal Open Access Publications strategy is to provide 24/7 access to the scientific data freely for all our readers across the planet and will guarantee scientific community high data availability in most updated digital formats.

Our Journal publishes manuscripts including but not limited to following topics:

Artificial implant Clinical engineering
Automated patient monitoring Clinical translation
Bioanalytical techniques Cochlear implants
Bio based chemicals and polymers Computational anatomy
Biochemical toxicology Computational medicine
Bioelectricity Drug/gene delivery science
Bioimaging and spectroscopy Immuno/bio/nano-engineering
Biomaterials design Informatics and computational methods
Biomechanics Medical and surgical devices
Biomedical imaging Molecular imprinting
Biomedical measurements Musculoskeletal modelling
Biomimetics Nano biotechnology
Biomolecular engineering Neural engineering
Biomolecule manipulation Regenerative medicine
Biophysical biomarkers Rehabilitation and prostheses
Biosensors and chemo sensors Signal transduction and cell-cell communication
Biphotonic Smart biomaterials
Stem cell Smart biomems


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